- ISEM is an institution for higher education and training of senior executives in the field of maritime transport, ports, logistics and related activities. It is under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport and Logistics. It is the only training Institution for Merchant Marine officers in Morocco.
- ISEM trains Merchant Marine Officers based on the values of excellence and interdisciplinary.
- ISEM’s training is polytechnic, encompassing theoretical and practical curriculums both at sea and in ports but also through state-of-the art simulators and laboratories.
- ISEM’s training system has contributed to Morocco’s inclusion on the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) white list and to the recognition of the Moroccan certificates by the European Commission.
- ISEM has undertaken a quality approach based on the principles of continuous improvement and programs accreditation. ISEM’s training and skills assessment system is certified ISO 9001 – version 2015.
The Institute aims to:
- Ensure maritime training adapted to the needs of the maritime sector and of high quality;
- Diversify the training offer for both initial and continuing training;
- Introduce the use of the English language in the various training courses;
- Develop an efficient scientific and technical research structure in collaboration with national and international research centers;
- Turn the Institute into a center of expertise and consultancy in the areas of Maritime, Ports and Logistics.
‘To make ISEM a centre of excellence in maritime higher education and training, scientific and technical research and expertise in the fields of maritime transport, ports, logistics, supply chain and related activities’
- Consolidate the influence and position of ISEM as a national and regional reference in the field of maritime, port, logistics and related disciplines;
- To position the Institute as a centre of excellence, expertise and scientific and technical research in maritime professions.