Initial Education

Education and training at the Higher Institute for Maritime Studies is based on theoretical and practical training in maneuvering and navigation and on knowledge of propulsion systems on board ships.
These lessons, delivered by professors and lecturers and professionals in the maritime sector, constitute the basis of the skills necessary for the exercise of the functions of Merchant Marine officers.

The implementation of decree n° 2-12-623 of 8 Chaâbane 1434 (17 June 2013) on the reorganization of ISEM has allowed the adaptation of the educational architecture to the LMD system (Bachelor, master, doctorate).
ISEM Training is organized in two cycles and four streams.

The normal ISEM cycle is a six-semester (three-year) higher education training course.
This cycle leads to the diplomas of Lieutenant in navigation or diploma of Lieutenant 1st Class in ship engine. After the validation of the three years program of the normal cycle at the institute, including the STCW certificates, students are granted the degree of Professional License in either Naval Sciences or Marine Engineering.

The graduate cycle of the Merchant Marine Officer at ISEM is a higher education training course at Master’s level, lasting four semesters, the first two of which are devoted to a practical internship supervised on board ships.
After 12 months of effective navigation training, and after obtaining a certificate of practical training completion, candidates are required to pass an oral interview to be accepted into the graduate program at ISEM. Successful candidates are then accepted into the program as graduate students. They have to carry out two semesters of theoretical and simulation training at graduate level followed by a Master thesis (PFE), which completes the graduate program.

Successful completion of the two years of the higher cycle, including the STCW certificates, leads to the following diplomas: Unlimited Master Mariner’s Diploma (CLC); Diploma of First Class Marine Engineer of the Merchant Marine (OM1). These two diplomas are equivalent to the Specialized Masters in Naval Sciences and Marine Engineering.

ISEM Diplomas are accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The diplomas awarded are also recognized by the international Maritime Organization (IMO) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), which grant ISEM graduates to work onboard international fleets worldwide.