Council of the establishment

Within the ISEM, a council called “the Council of the establishment” is created by Decree law and composed of :
- Members by right;
- Elected representatives of Academic staff;
- Elected representatives of the administrative and technical staff;
- Elected representatives of students;
- External personalities representing the Maritime Industry.
The composition of this Council, the method of appointment or election of its members and its functioning are determined in accordance with Decree No. 2-05-885 of 22 Rabii II 1427 (21 April 2006).
The board of the institution exercises the powers vested in it by law Act No. 01-00 related to the organization of higher education in Morocco.
However, it may meet in disciplinary council for the exercise of disciplinary power with regard to students and this in accordance with the conditions set for by order of the authority in charge of Maritime transport.